Ellen Catanzaro is a local artist and textile designer in Historic Kennett Square, PA. Her artistic style can best be described as "atmospheric abstraction".
Ellen's art reflects the untamed natural beauty she experienced throughout her life and travels. Born in the Bronx, NY, to a Greek/American family, Ellen spent her childhood summers in Greece, where the stunning blue sky meets the vast sea, and the golden wheat covered hills are dotted with wildflowers. She married her college sweetheart, Mike and they made their way to the West Coast..first living at the beaches of Southern California, where the colorful sunsets stole her heart, then in the moody rainy suburbs of Seattle Washington, where the rugged, tumultuous, foggy mornings remain etched in her memory. Mike and Ellen continued their adventures, traveling the world, as Ellen soaked in the all the bold colors and interesting new cultures of each country they visited.
Drawing from her life experiences, large atmospheric abstraction art on wood became Ellen’s signature. As a child and as a young adult, she was always drawing, sewing, painting and decorating, as a means of self expression. As an adult, Ellen began painting primarily for herself, as art was not in their budget, and for friends, recreating scenes from vacations taken together, and small pet portraits, that she gave as gifts. Her first large painting, on wood, was created for her children's school fund raiser. Her painting was noticed, purchased....and soon her art was in demand, with clients commissioning her to create large pieces for their homes. Ellen then teamed up with local interior designers, creating commissioned works for their clients.
To satisfy her love for interior design, and upon request of clients, Ellen began to translate her art on to textiles, beginning first with pillows, and eventually into yardage and wallpapers.
Ellen currently resides in Chester County, PA with her husband Mike, daughters Maggie & Claire and their two cockapoos Loulou & Sasha. Her paintings are in homes in Florida, New York, New Jersey, Chicago and North Carolina. Ellen has taught workshops at URBN Headquarters in Philadelphia (mother company of Urban Outfitters, Anthropologie, Free People, Terrain). Her art has been shown at a galleries and stores, such as; Mala Galleria, West Elm, Pottery Barn, Terrain, Anthropologie, URBN, Red Bank Design Center, and Shoppe Marche. Ellen has also been a participating artist in The Chester County Studio Tour and The Brandywine Arts Festival.

Ellen Catanzaro